Friday, January 8, 2010


紐約這段時間開始下雪。 對於很多人來講, 特別對於來自南方的人來講, 飄雪總和浪漫聯想在一起。每當落雪時分, 很多人總不期然舉起相機, 拍幾張照片留念。

可惜的是, 很多人在拍了相片之后, 每每失望不已。漫天飛雪是相當浪漫但拍出來的照片卻又是另一回事。 大多數情景里,照片中,只拍下白茫茫的天空。 雪花幾乎消失了影蹤。

首先,我們必須要找出為什麼照片中拍不出雪花和雨水的原因。 雪花是白色的,而雨水幾近透明。 大多數情形下, 下雨和下雪的天空都是灰灰矇矇的。 因為天空是白茫茫的緣故, 所以,在我們拍攝下雨和下雪的時候, 照片里,雨點和雪花幾乎融匯到天空里。我們在照片里看不到雨和雪。

拍攝飄雪和飄雨一樣, 要選擇適合背景和恰當的快門,雪花和雨點才會在照片里留下它們的影跡。

既然雪花是白絮狀的物體, 想要突出雪花, 我們就要盡量找一個比較深顏色的背景。 大多數拍攝者都犯了最基礎的錯誤:把鏡頭對著白茫茫的天空, 白色的雪花在白色的天空基本上融成一體。

拍攝雨景比拍攝雪花更加困難。 雪花是白色的, 但雨水幾乎是透明的。 想要表現出雨水, 適當的光線,尤其是背光和側背光才能把雨水的質感表現出來。

雪花和雨水都是飄動的。 所以, 不同的快門速度可以拍出不同的感覺。 高速的快門可以把雪花和雨水凝結在照片中, 但慢速快門能夠拍出雪花和雨水飄的軌跡。根據拍攝者的喜好, 如果你喜歡把雪花和雨水的凝固在照片中, 你就要選擇1125或更高速的快門。 相反, 如果你選擇130 18 的快門, 你就會拍到如絲的雨水。

還有最重要的一點, 要保護好相機。 很多相機在這種環境下會受潮。 在拍照片時要盡量要保護你的相機!!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Shooting the "Stars"

For a city guy like me, laying on the field and counting the stars at night is a distance memory from the childhood. Therefore, during the trip at Maine, September 2009, I was so excited when I saw that many stars in the sky. I really want to photograph them.

However, photographing stars didn’t come out that easy. For people don’t have that experience, there are several things need to keep in mind.

1. Stars are very dim and photographing them needs a long-time exposure. Therefore, a tripod is a MUST HAVE equipment.

2. Stars are constantly circling in the sky (it happens slowly and most people will not noticed), and a constantly moving object will be recorded as track like path in the photograph.

3. It is very important for a photographer to decide weather he wants to shoot the stars’ moving path or the sparkle points. If the photographer is more interesting in recording the circling path, he can use up to 30 mins or longer shutter speed. If he wants the stars to be shown as a sparkle point, he should manage the exposure under 3 mins. Just keep in your mind, the number I’d suggested based on 20mm wide-angle lens. In result, different focal length may come out different result.

4. Right now, we come to the most difficult part: photographing stars with landmark. To be honest, if you see a stars’ photo with city night view, 99% of this photo is photoshopped. Compare to those city view, stars, mostly are very dim and take much longer time to be record. Therefore, you have to be very careful about choosing foreground object: the foreground object must be NO LIGHT or VERY LOW LIGHT. Otherwise, you will find out the difficulty of balancing the exposure between the foreground object and the stars.

Ok , my friends, it’s time for you guys to bring out a tripod and camera, take some pictures and tell me if I missing anything about “shoot the stars”.

Frist Day of blog

The frist day of bolg.